


We thank all the authors and participants for their contribution to IFAC-CAO Workshop held in CentraleSupélec at the core Paris-Saclay University. The technical program can be found online:


The leaflet of the workshop can be also consulted online.


IFAC-CAO Workshop aims to offer a forum for the presentation of the latest contributions and developments related to the theory of optimal control and the optimization-based design in automation and decision-making processes. It targets, in particular, the use of new methods and technologies to solve relevant problems in industry and to address the latest challenges in society. The event will give specialists in the fields of optimal control, differential games, and optimization an opportunity to share their experiences with practitioners, to discuss new research directions and problems that are arising, and to outline scientific and commercial applications. One aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers, applied economists, and environmental scientists, providing an up-to-date survey of the major applications of optimization for control purposes and for decision-making in economics and in the industry. The event will be preceded by tutorials and mini-symposia dedicated to active topics with a particular focus on the young researchers' activities.

About IFAC CAO history

The workshop will continue the tradition of events of the IFAC Technical Committee on Optimal Control, reaching in 2022 its 18th edition. The recent IFAC CAO workshops were held in the years 2000 as follows:

  • October 15-19, 2018, Yekaterinburg, Russia,
  • October 6-9, 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
  • September 13-16, 2012, Rimini, Italy
  • May 6-8 2009, Jyvaskyla, Finland
  • April 26-28, 2006, Cachan-Paris
  • June 30 - July 2, 2003, Visegrád, Hungary

Related event and cross-promotion

During the week 18-22 July 2022, the same location will welcome the 27th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 2022). The participants to IFAC CAO 2022 will have the opportunity to connect and discuss with the participants to this major event of the International Society of Difference Equations (ISDE).

Pandemic and related constraints

We sincerely hope that by July 2022, we will be able to travel, to present the latest research results and, most importantly, to meet up with colleagues, collaborators and friends in person. IFAC-CAO 2022 organizing committee is closely monitoring the worldwide situation of COVID-19 (coronavirus) which is currently under control on French territory. The latest information about the travel conditions to France are available on the page of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs.


COVID ANNOUNCEMENT: The International Program Committee (IPC) and the National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the IFAC CAO 2022 recognize that the Covid-19 pandemic could continue disrupting the normal course of life in July 2022. The objective is to host an event in person, but the IPC and NOC want to reassure all the authors that appropriate mitigating measures, such as a remote presentation and participation, will be set up should anyone face travel restrictions.


IFAC CAO 2022 is organized by L2S (Laboratory of Signals and Systems) at CentraleSupélec within the University Paris-Saclay.

We look forward to seeing you in the Paris-Saclay region!









September 2022: The proceedings are available online via IFAC-PapersOnLine.

May 5, 2022 A keynote talk will be given on July 21 by Prof. Yurii Nesterov.

The plenary talk of Prof. Boris Polyak is canceled.

April 4, 2022
Three tutorial sessions are proposed for the Workshop registrants on July 18.

January 5, 2022
Remote presentation will be possible for the authors facing travel restrictions.

November 20, 2021 Second call for papers is available

September, 2021  Plenary speakers are confirmed

July 16, 2021        First call for papers is available

July 16, 2021  Website is online


Key dates

December 15, 2021;
January 31, 2022 Paper submission deadline

December 1, 2021
December 10, 2021
(Open) Invited session proposal

January 31, 2022 
Pre-Conference Tutorial Proposal deadline

March 14, 2022 March 25, 2022 Notification of acceptance

March 14, 2022 March 25, 2022 Registration opens

April 8, 2022  
May 12, 2022     Final paper submission deadline

May 12, 2022    Early registration deadline









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