For participants > Minisymposium
A mini-symposium will take place in the afternoon of Monday, July 18th in the Amphitheater Michelin II on the topic"Constraints in Dynamical Systems and Control" and will be dedicated to Prof. George Bitsoris' 70+2 anniversary.
- 14:00 -- Opening
- 14:10 -- Nikolaos Athanasopoulos: “Shaping polytopes while preserving invariance”
- 14:30 -- Florin Stoican: “Set-invariance conditions for zonotopic sets with fixed generators”
- 14:50 -- Franco Blanchini: “Set-invariance and other stories”
- 15:10 -- Sorin Olaru: “On several notions of periodic constraints satisfaction and periodic set invariance”
- 15:30 -- coffee break
- 16:00 -- Ionela Prodan: “NMPC with a relaxed terminal region for a multicopter stabilization"
- 16:20 -- Pedro Rodriguez: "Robustness margins and robustification of constrained control"
- 16:40 -- Carlos Eduardo Trabuco Dorea: "New Insights on Set-Invariance for Time-Delay Systems"
- 17:00 -- Nathan Michel: "Invariant sets design using discrete-time sliding mode control"
- 17:20 -- George Bitsoris: “Comparison Methods in Control"
- 17:45 -- Spilios Theodoulis and Sorin Olaru: "Stories around control, invariance, delays, comparisons systems and the way to bring them to the class.”